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DCARC Contractor Sustainment Cost Data Collection

Life Cycle Cost Track



In the past, Contractor Sustainment (including Contractor Logistics Support (CLS), Contractor Performance Based Logistics (PBL), and other contractor sustainment efforts) were omitted from DoD centralized O&S databases, or were captured as an annual total with little or no supporting detail. For many programs, Contractor Sustainment costs are a major cost driver. They represent an increasing percentage of operating costs. As DoD faces major budget reductions, valid and timely Contractor Sustainment cost data supports analysis which enables Services to use declining operations funds effectively.

Defense Cost and Resource Center (DCARC) initiated a program to collect these costs, guided by several laws and directives:

– Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Cost and Software Data Report (CSDR) regulation, which requires CSDR reporting for all contracts of $50M or more, regardless of appropriation
– Weapons System Acquisition Reform Act 2009 (WSARA), which requires O&S data collection for ACAT I and ACAT II programs
– Congressional mandate for annual O&S report from CAPE
– Official finding from GAO O&S report (GAO-10-717) that O&S data collection, especially Contractor Logistics Support, needs improvement; and that DoD lacks a standard structure for capturing contractor logistics support costs.
– Official finding from GAO report (GAO-09-41) that detailed support cost data not available for CLS/PBL arrangements

DCARC developed a new CSDR form, 1921-4 Contractor Sustainment Report. The purpose of this presentation is to:

– Present a brief overview of the requirements underlying CLS reporting
– Present the current version of the form
– Review rationales for the existing format and Work Breakdown Structure
– Highlight mapping between 1921 and 1921-4 for programs currently reporting sustainment costs to DCARC, to identify potential improvements
– Present a solution to ‘one size doesn’t fit all platforms’ WBS concerns
Analyze mapping between 1921 and 1921-4 for programs currently reporting sustainment costs to DCARC, to identify potential improvements to 1921-4 WBS
– Solicit support for the implementation of the 1921-4


Sandra B. Enser
Technomics, Inc.
Sandra B. Enser is a Senior Cost Analyst/Project Management Professional at Technomics, Inc. and has more than thirty years experience in cost and economic analysis. She is currently assigned to OSD/CAPE Defense Cost and Resource Center, where she is the lead for sea systems and contractor logistics support data collection. In this role, she leverages her varied experience to improve the quality and utility of DCARC data.
Ms. Enser began her career at the U.S. Bureau of Census, where she was a statistician developing economic reports for various manufacturing industries. She later moved to Tecolote Research, where she had assignments including AEGIS Weapon System procurement and O&S cost estimating, cost estimating support to SC 21 COEA, early Ballistic Missile Defense studies, and data collection and database development for various programs.
At Northrop Grumman, as section manager she led a team of systems engineers at Missile Defense National Team. She was the specification author and subject matter expert for Airborne Laser, and developed a deployment readiness assessment model.
Later, Ms. Enser was a systems engineering manager for Sea Mobile Kinetic Energy Interceptor. She led the ship design and safety teams, coordinating with engineers from all Northrop Grumman sectors and several external organizations. She supported the development of KEI integration solutions for a variety of platforms, including AEGIS Cruisers and Destroyers, amphibious and container ships, submarines, and future ship classes.
Since joining Technomics in 2009, in addition to DCARC, she has provided analytical support to GAO, Navy and OSD programs. Ms. Enser holds a BA in Economics from Smith College, and an MBA from George Mason University.