A Holistic Approach to Multiyear Procurements Management Track MGM22_Presentation_AHolisticApproachtoMultiyearProcurements_Hawpe Abstract: Multi-year contracts have the potential to save the Government a
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Social Media Applications Management Track MGM20_Presentation_SocialMediaApplications_Wear Abstract: This paper explores the impact of adopting social media tools in the work
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Building a DHS Cost Estimating & Analysis Center of Excellence Management Track MGM18_Presentation_BuildingaDHSCostEstandAnalysisCenterofExcellence_Geier Abstract: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
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Cloud Computing: Federal Mandates and the DoD Management Track MGM17_Presentation_CloudComputingFederalMandatesandtheDoD_Nayhouse Abstract: The Federal CIO has laid out a plan to
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A Case Study in Broad System Analysis: DoD Spectrum Reallocation Feasibility Study, 1755-1850 MHz Management Track MGM15_Presentation_CaseStudyinBroadSystemAnalysis-DoDSpectrumReallocationFeasibilityStudy_Wilkerson Abstract: With the
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Using the Tools of Persuasion to “Sell” Your Estimate Management Track MGM14_Presentation_UsingtheToolsofPersuasiontoSellYourEstimate_Kirchhoffer Abstract: What is the difference between a good
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Capabilities Based Portfolio Analysis (CBPA) Management Track MGM12_Paper_CapabilitiesBasedPortfolioAssessment_Gvoth Abstract: Total cost is no longer the singular driver of defense acquisition
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NRO Program Assessments – Best Practices and Lessons Learned Management Track MGM11_Presentation_NROProgramAssessment_Lochbaum Abstract: The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) performs program
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How does a $20B Program Become a $30B Program? Lessons Learned in Production Cost Management Management Track MGM10_Presentation_LessonsLearnedinProdCostMgmt_Sheamer Abstract: How
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Case Study of Army Cost Management: Managing Variability in Analytical Cost Products for an ACAT ID Program Management Track MGM09_Presentation_CaseStudyofArmyCostMgmt_Williams
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