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Forecasting Operation & Support Costs For Missiles and Munitions

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MOD-9 Lemay Paper Forecasting O&S Costs


Operation and Support (O&S) costs are an important component of Life Cycle Cost for military weapon systems. Accurate forecasting of O&S costs early in the program allows the customer and logistics services provider to construct the most cost effective support program, providing high levels of weapon readiness while saving the customer money. Missiles and munitions have a deployment and operations profile that is different from other weapons systems in that 97% or more of their available service life is spent in protected storage in a dormant state. Also, Missiles and munitions are deployed into a well established Military support infrastructure with known costs which simplifies the task of data gathering and cost forecasting. This paper will describe the unique O&S profile for missiles and munitions and how to design a model that produces an accurate O&S cost forecast.


Jerry Le May
Jerry Le May is a Senior Multi-Discipline Engineer at Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, AZ. He is working in logistics support for the US Army Non-Line of Sight Launch System program where he performs Repair Level Analysis, Repair\Discard analysis and Operations & Support cost analysis and other logistics assignments. Jerry has performed cost analyses on numerous defense programs with a variety of cost analysis tools including CASA, COMPASS, customer models and his own spreadsheet models. Prior to Raytheon Jerry performed logistics analysis on aerospace programs ranging from the Lockheed L-1011 airliner to the International Space Station. Jerry has a Bachelors degree in Earth Science from California State University, Fullerton.