Assessing Impact of Funding Constraints to Cost and Schedule Models and Methods Track MM04_Presentation_ImpactofFundingConstraintsonCostandSched_Elliott Abstract: Cost risk and uncertainty over
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Utilizing The Capabilities Knowledge Base for Cost Benefit Analysis and Analysis of Alternatives Models and Methods Track MM03_Presentation_CapabilitiesKnowledgeBaseforCostBenefitAnalysis_Sibert Abstract: Department
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Operating and Support Cost Estimating Methods: An approach to estimate the US Navy’s future cost of Ballistic Missile Defense Models
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Extending FEA and DODAF to Support Cost Modeling Models and Methods Track MM01_Presentation_FEADODAFtoSupportCostModels_Tolk Abstract: The Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) and
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United States Military Rank Management Track MT24_Presentation_USMilitaryRank_Brozyna Abstract: Many new cost analysts have no idea about the U.S. military rank
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Instrument Schedule Delays Potential Impact on Mission Development Cost for Recent NASA Projects (Follow-On Study) Management Track MT23_Presentation_InstrumentScheduleDelaysImpactonMissionDevelopmentCost_Kipp Abstract: This
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The Shortcut to Fully Burdened Cost of Fuel Analysis Management Track MT22_Presentation_ShortcuttoFully BurdenedCostofFuelAnalysis_Atkins Abstract: Frequent attacks against resupply convoys, along
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Improving Baseline Execution – A Parametric Approach Management Track MT20_Presentation_BaselineExecutionAParametricApproach_Sultzer Abstract: Too often projects are undertaken without good visibility into
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Overcoming Challenges in Estimating Advanced Technology Programs Management Track MT19A_Paper_ChallengesinEstAdvTechPrograms_Jasnoff MT19_Presentation_ChallengesinEstAdvTechPrograms_Jasnoff Abstract: During the Source Selection process, many different types
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Comprehensive Assessment of Contract Performance using Earned Value Management Data Management Track MT18_Presentation_ContractPerformanceUsingEVMData_Laing Abstract: Purpose: This presentation outlines a set
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