Obtaining Greater Efficiency and Productivity in Defense Spending – The Carter Memo Management Track MT17_Presentation_GreaterEfficiencyandProductivityinDefenseSpendingTheCarterMemo_Schulte Abstract: The Nov 3rd, 2010
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NASA Implementation of JCL Policy Management Track MT16_Presentation_NASAImplementation ofJCLPolicy_Johnson Abstract: For the past two years NASA has been implementing Joint
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PARS II: Redefining Program Oversight & Assessment at the Department of Energy Management Track MT15A_Paper_PARS2ProgramOversightandAssessmentatDOE_Dekker MT15_Presentation_PARS2ProgramOversightandAssesmentatDOE_Dekker Abstract: Requiring a new
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Mathematical Lessons Learned from a Year’s Worth of ICEs Management Track MT14_Presentation_MathLessonfromICEs_Boulais Abstract: Having conducted over 20 Independent Cost
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Integrating Earned Value Analysis and Independent Cost Estimating for Large, Multiyear System Procurements Management Track MT13_Presentation_EarnedValueAnalysis&IndepCostEst_Mosier Abstract: The NRO Cost
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Best Practices in Aerospace Cost Estimation: Observations from US Air Force and NASA Management Track MT12_Presentation_AerospaceCostEstimation_Georgi Abstract: Both the United
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Cost Analysis Process in Manufacturing Industry Management Track MT11_Presentation_CostAnalysisProcessManufIndus_Billah Abstract: In the common conflict of interest, there exists between daily
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You Really Don’t Have to Lose a Million Dollars a Year, a Cost/Price Analytical Journey through the World of Winemaking
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Enhanced Cost Analysis in Support of Aerospace Corporation’s Decision Support Framework (DSF) Management Track MT09_Enhanced Acquisition Analysis for Decision Support
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How to Estimate and Use Management Reserve in an EVM System Management Track MT08A_Paper_ManagementReserveinEVMSystem_Infanti MT08_Presentation_ManagementReserveinEVMSystem_Infanti Abstract: When using an Earned
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