Cost Risk Allocation Theory and Practice Risk Track RS13A_Cost Risk Allocation Theory and Practice RS13_Presentation_CostRiskAllocationTheoryandPractice_Smart Abstract: Risk allocation is the
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The Implementation of Risk Analysis in Proposal Evaluation and Cost Models Risk Track RS12_Presentation_RiskAnalysisinProposalEvalsandCostModels_Winstead Abstract: Herren Associates has been performing
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Understatement of Risk and Uncertainty by Subject Matter Experts Risk Track RS11_Presentation_UnderstatementofRiskandUncertbySMEs_Braxton Abstract: The authors’ paper “The Correct Use of
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Use of EVM Trends to Forecast Cost Risks Risk Track RS10_Presentation_EVMTrendstoForecastCostRisk_Smoker Abstract: This paper develops a risk burn-down metric based
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Testing S-Curves for Reasonableness: The NCCA S-Curve Tool Risk Track RS09A_Paper_NCCASCurveTool_Coleman RS09_Presentation_NCCASCurveTool_Coleman Abstract: The requirement of the Weapon Systems Acquisition
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The Perils of Portability: CGFs and CVs Risk Track RS08_Presentation_PerilsofPortabilityCGFs&CVs_Braxton Abstract: With the provisions of the Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform
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Joint Confidence Level of a Parametric Software Cost and Schedule Estimate Risk Track RS07A_Paper_JCLofParametricSoftwareCostandSchedEst_Ross RS07_JCLofParametricSoftwareCostandSchedEst_Ross Abstract: This paper summarizes a
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Real-time Risk for the Operations Environment Risk Track RS06_Presentation_RealTimeRiskOperationsEnviron_Teal Abstract: Traditional risk management and cost risk analysis is an important
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Risk Based Estimating and Alternative Selection Using Value Analysis Risk Track RS05_Presentation_RiskBaseEstimatingandAltSelectionValueAnalysis_Brink Abstract: The selection between project alternatives and corresponding
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Joint Confidence Level Analysis and the Dynamic Integrated Cost Estimator (DICE) Model Risk Track RS04_Presentation_JCLAnalysisandDICEModel_Gilmer Abstract: Since 2006, NASA has
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