Dynamic Help Desk Resource Modeling Models and Methods Track MM18_Presentation_DynamicHelpDeskModeling_Sheamer MM18A_Paper_DynamicHelpDeskModeling_Sheamer Abstract: This paper discusses the concept of Dynamic Helpdesk
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Modeling to Establish the Affordability KPP Models and Methods Track MM17_Presentation_AffordabilityKPP_Toas Abstract: Dr. Ashton Carter’s November 2010 memo provided a
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Economic Elasticity of Tactical Missile Costs Models and Methods Track MM16_Presentation_EconomicElasticityofTacticalMissleCosts_Covert Abstract: Economic elasticity is defined as the ratio of
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An Elicitation Method to Generate Minimum-Bias Probability Distributions Models and Methods Track MM15_Presentation_ElicitationMethodtoGenerateMinBiasProbDistr_Greenberg Abstract: As the US Department of Defense
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Analysis of Parametric and Database-Driven Cost Estimates in the Transit Industry Models and Methods Track MM13A_Paper_TransitIndustryEstimates_Ehrler MM13_Presentation_TransitIndustryEstimates_Ehrler Abstract: Most major
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The Infrastructure Service Provider (ISP) Cost Model Models and Methods Track MM12_Presentation_ISPCostModel_Thomas Abstract: The current political and economic environment has
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Multicollinearity in Zero Intercept Regression: They Are Not Who We Thought They Were Models and Methods Track MM11_Presentation_MulticollinearityinZeroInterceptRegression Abstract: Asked
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Cost Analysis using Random Forest Prediction Models and Methods Track MM10_Presentation_RandomForestPrediction_Mourikas MM10A_Paper_RandomForestPrediction_Mourikas Abstract: What to you do when your cost
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QuickCost 5.0: A Space Project Cost Model Models and Methods Track MM09A_Paper_QuickCost5.0_Hamaker MM09_Presentation_QuickCost5.0_Hamaker Abstract: This paper describes the latest release
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A Comparison of Military and Commercial Submersible Systems, Cost Environments, and Methods for Estimating Submersible Development and Production Costs Models
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