Estimating Relationship Development Spreadsheet and Unit-as-an-Independent Variable Regressions Parametrics Track PAR01_Presentation_EstRelationshipDevelopSpreadsheetAndUAIVRegressions_Covert PAR01_Paper_EstRelationshipDevelopSpreadsheetAndUAIVRegressions_Covert Abstract: MCR has constructed an estimating relationship (ER)
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Volatility and Cost Estimating Methods and Models II Track MMT217_Presentation_VolatilityandCostEstimating_Leotta MMT217_Paper_VolatilityandCostEstimating_Leotta Abstract: This paper will examine the properties and uses
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Exploring Methods of Conflating Data from Various Data Sources Methods and Models II Track MMT216_Presentation_ExploringMethodsofCoflatingDatafromVariousDataSources_Moses Abstract: When creating a cost
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Estimating Alternatives for Joint Future Theater Lift (JFTL) Methods and Models II Track MMT214_Presentation_EstAlternativesforJointFutureTheaterLift_Georgi Abstract: US military operations in Afghanistan
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Just-In-Time Cost Analysis Methods and Models II Track MMT213_Presentation_JustinTimeCostAnalysis_Ko Abstract: Booz Allen developed and maintains a robust Life Cycle Cost
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Cost Estimating Training for Non-Cost Estimators Methods and Models II Track MMT212_Presentation_CostEstTrainingforNonCostEstimators_Eden Abstract: The effort to improve the accuracy and
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Valuation in Cost Estimating: Taking a Page from the Investment Banker’s Playbook Methods and Models II Track MMT211_Presentation_ValuationinCostEstimating_Schutt Abstract: Valuation
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Significant Reasons to Eschew Log-Log OLS Regression when Deriving Estimating Relationships Methods and Models II Track MMT210_Presentation_SignificantReasonstoEschewLog-LogOLSRegressionwhenDerivingEstRelationships_Book Abstract: Log-Log Ordinary
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EDGARS CB – A New Memory Tool for Costers Methods and Models II Track MMT208_Presentation_EDGARSCB-ANewMemoryToolforCosters_Barfield Abstract: Are you befuddled by
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Identifying the Cost Capabilities of the DoDAF Architecture Framework Methods and Models II Track MMT207_Presentation_IdentifyingtheCostCapabilitiesoftheDoDAFArchitectureFramework_Handley Abstract: The Department of Defense
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