Cost Estimating Tips: Learn Tricks in Excel and Best Practices Methods and Models I Track M1-12_Presentation_CostEstimatingTipsLearnTricksInExcelAndBestPractices_Hong Abstract: This presentation for
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Implementing a Data Collection Tool to Estimate and Analyze Spending Methods and Models I Track M1-11_Presentation_ImplementingADataCollectionToolToEstimateAndAnalyzeSpending_Brooks Abstract: As budgets and
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Aircraft Operation – Cost Models; Lessons Learned! Methods and Models I Track M1-9_Presentation_AircraftOperationCostModels_Linick Abstract: In FY10 the Air Force Cost
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Getting (and sharing!) the FACTS: Factors, Analogies, CERs and Tools/Studies Methods and Models I Track M1-8_Presentation_GettingAndSharingTheFACTS_Harper M1-8_Paper_GettingAndSharingTheFACTS_Harper Abstract: One of
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Data Collection and Analysis Supporting Defendable Cost Estimates Methods and Models I Track M1-7_Presentation_DataCollectionAndAnalysisSupportingDefendableCostEstimates_Minkiewicz M1-7_Paper_DataCollectionAndAnalysisSupportingDefendableCostEstimates_Minkiewicz Abstract: Cost modeling and estimation
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A Novel Non-Recurring Production CER Methodology Methods and Models I Track M1-6_Paper_ANovelNonRecurringProductionCERMethodology_Hackbarth M1-6_Presentation_ANovelNonRecurringProductionCERMethodology_Hackbarth Abstract: Production costs are generally categorized as
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Building an Analysis Schedule – Lessons Learned from the SGSS Program Methods and Models I Track M1-5_Presentation_BuildingAnAnalysisSchedule_Blocker Abstract: Constructing an
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Learning Curve Analysis of Small Data Sets – Spacecraft Bus Cost Improvement Analysis Methods and Models I Track M1-3_Presentation_LearningCurveAnalysisOfSmallDataSetsSpacecraftBusCostImprovementAnalysis_Welsh Abstract:
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Cost Effective Analysis: The Role of Discounting in Government Investing Methods and Models I Track M1-2_Presentation_CostEffectiveAnalysis_Shepelak Abstract: In order for
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Avoiding Pitfalls When Applying Learning to your Estimate Methods and Models I Track M1-1_Presentation_AvoidingPitfallsWhenApplyingLearningToYourEstimate_Busick Abstract: Most cost estimators understand the
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