CEBoK® Syllabus

CEBoK® Pricing & Purchasing

CEBoK® Instruction Licenses

CEBoK® Online Video Training

The Cost Estimating Body of Knowledge (CEBoK®) is ICEAA’s official training course material, available for FREE for all active ICEAA members. CEBoK®2.0 is a user-friendly, browser-based cost estimating and analysis training resource website, with information organized into 16 interactive modules within five general subject areas, designed to cover all of the topics that represent the body of knowledge that ICEAA promotes and tests for in the CCEA® exam. The modules are designed to facilitate self-study and study in small groups, or can be used effectively in a classroom environment.

ICEAA spent several years migrating version 1.2’s static files into an interactive, Wikipedia-style website that is easier to read and reference. Lessons have been streamlined, with clear, concise content and practical, applicable examples.  For those preparing for our PCEA® and CCEA® exams, each module now contains an explanation of which topics you should focus your studies on, and on the main page, you’ll find a link to download an Excel-based app with practice tests and study questions.

All active ICEAA members can access CEBoK®2.0 after logging in to their profile on the ICEAA Portal. ICEAA membership starts at $150/per year.  Learn more about the benefits of ICEAA membership.

ICEAA is now offering official CEBoK® training videos online in an on-demand streaming format you can view anywhere! These videos will be an outstanding educational experience for candidates preparing for our PCEA® or CCEA® exams, individuals new to the field looking for an introduction to cost estimating and analysis, or experienced professionals who want to brush up on their skills.

We strongly encourage anyone preparing for our exams to join ICEAA for free access to our CEBoK®2.0 curriculum, and to be prepared with some familiarity with the material to be presented. These courses are designed to enhance and strengthen your studies of the CEBoK® material, and are not intended provide enough preparation for the exams alone.

ICEAA has worked hard to make our CEBoK® curriculum more accessible with the browser-based, readable format of CEBoK®2.0, and we hope our members find these supplemental videos a valuable tool in their certification preparation.

Visit the ICEAA store to purchase and view your videos. For questions, contact


The Most Comprehensive Material

Download the detailed CEBoK® Syllabus

Section 1: Cost Estimating

  • Cost Estimating Basics: introduction, overview, cost products, cost estimating process
  • Costing Techniques: using costing techniques, comparison of techniques
  • Parametric Estimating: basics of parametrics, parametric estimating process

Section 2: Cost Analysis Techniques

    • Data Collection and Normalization: importance of data, key principles, collection  considerations, collection process, collection techniques, sources, normalization.
    • Inflation and Index Numbers: inflation and cost estimating, concepts and definitions, indices, tables and escalation procedures

Section 3: Analytical Methods

  • Basic Data Analysis Principles: types of data, univariate data analysis, scatter plots, data validation, visual display of information
  • Learning Curve: theory, application, advanced topics
  • Regression Analysis: bivariate data analysis, regression models, preliminary concepts, linear regression, non-linear models, selecting models
  • Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis: types of risk, risk modeling, risk management, cost growth analysis, schedule risk analysis
  • Probability and Statistics: measures, probability distributions, Monte Carlo Simulation considerations, process, and techniques, sources, and normalization

Section 4: Specialized Costing

  • Manufacturing Cost Estimating: process overview, functional cost elements, labor and material estimating, issues
  • Software Cost Estimating: software development process, approaches, drivers, estimating techniques, challenges, data collection, models

Section 5: Management Applications

  • Economic Analysis: principles, process, special cases
  • Contract Pricing: process, types, Basis of Estimate (BOE) documentation, standards
  • Earned Value Management: EVM components, analysis, risk management integration, rules of thumb, tools
  •  Cost Management: Total Ownership Cost (TOC), Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV), target costing, Activity-Based Costing (ABC), initiatives and cost estimating

Whether you are a seasoned analyst looking to refresh your skills and/or take the Certified Cost Estimator/ Analyst examination or an intern, newly introduced to the field of cost estimating and analysis, the CEBOK® modules are intended to provide you with the one concise and all-inclusive collection of study materials that will help you attain your professional education goals.

CEBoK®2.0 is available for FREE to all active ICEAA members. ICEAA membership starts at $150/per year.  Learn more about the benefits of ICEAA membership.

Individual copies of the previous version of CEBoK® (version1.2) are still available for purchase. CEBoK®1.2 is a collection of PowerPoint, Excel, and PDF files on USB thumb drives for $235 for ICEAA members and $335 for non-members. Shipping is included in the purchase price. Your order will ship from the ICEAA business office within 3 business days. For those unable to use USB thumb drives, you may request to have a copy of CEBoK®1.2 burned onto a CD for an additional fee of $25 per copy.

CEBoK®2.0 is browser-based only; it is not available on USB or CD.
ICEAA does not solicit for or advertise customized in-house training for certification preparation.

If you have received a copy of CEBoK® elsewhere, contact ICEAA to ensure the proper materials are being used.

CEBoK® is copyrighted by ICEAA. Instructors wishing to make use of CEBoK® material in fee-based instructional courses must acquire a CEBoK® Limited License Agreement for Third-Party Training prior to conduct of the training. All students attending training must be active ICEAA members with access to CEBoK®2.0 or have purchased a copy of the CEBoK®1.2 USB drive. Trainers will be responsible for submitting records to ICEAA regarding the training and attendees, as well as a stipend of $20/student/training day in recognition of ICEAA’s copyrighted intellectual property.

Contact for information on instruction licenses.

Contact ICEAA to request shipping via a tracked service such as UPS or FedEx. ICEAA will apply the shipping rate to your purchase.

Enterprise Access:

For those organizations requiring access to CEBoK®2.0 for a large number of individuals but are unable to purchase ICEAA memberships for each user, ICEAA is offering CEBoK®2.0 Enterprise Access:

25-49 users: $5,000 per year
50-99 users: $7,500 per year
100+ users: $10,000 per year

Contact ICEAA to discuss CEBoK®2.0 Enterprise Access.

Instruction Licenses:

CEBoK® is copyrighted by ICEAA. Instructors wishing to make use of CEBoK® material in fee-based instructional courses must acquire a CEBoK® Limited License Agreement for Third-Party Training prior to conduct of the training. All students attending training must be active ICEAA members with access to CEBoK®2.0 or have purchased a copy of the CEBoK®1.2 USB drive. Trainers will be responsible for submitting records to ICEAA regarding the training and attendees, as well as a stipend of $20/student/training day in recognition of ICEAA’s copyrighted intellectual property.

Contact for information on instruction licenses.

Copyright Notice:

Copyright © 2009-2025 International Cost Estimating & Analysis Association (ICEAA).  All rights reserved. CEBoK® is a registered trademark, USPTO #85209502.